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<span style="color:yellow">FILSCA is the world association of online racing organizations (&quot;leagues&quot;).

Mission statement

“Coming together is a beginning,staying together is progress and working together is success.” -Henry Ford, founder Ford Motor Company

FILSCA (Fedération Internationale des Ligues de Simulateurs Courses Automobile, International Association of Autoracing Simulation Leagues) has been developed as an association of simulation racing leagues. It has been jointly conceived by dedicated sim racers and league organizers. It is the first world sanctioning body for online racing championships. Its goals are to promote the drivers, teams, member leagues, and the affiliates; to foster simulation racing as sport; and to support leagues in the administration of racing series.


1. Web sites / Applications

FMI— FILSCA Management Interface. <span style="color:yellow">
The FMI is a database-driven management system allowing the member leagues and the racing teams to easily administer anything related with league racing.
* FMO—FILSCA Management Output. The FMO offers various templates for displaying results, drivers lists, statistics, and driver, team, or manufacturer standings. The data may be displayed at the web sites of the leagues, the teams, or the drivers. The use of CSS for the layout allows for seamless integration into the individual web sites.

* FILSCA Site.

The FILSCA site features the activities of all member leagues, their drivers, the teams, and their sponsors. In addition, overall statistics and rankings open new dimensions of the sim racing sport.

2. Events
* Official national or world championships. The first one being the GPL Nations World Cup 2004
* Sanctioned LANs
* Special events at tnhe FILSCA server, kindly sponsored by CCCRS
* More to come soon.

3. Promotion
* Newsletter
* News feed for other (sim) racing sites

Advantages for member leagues

* Team work: each member profits from the engagement of its fellow members
* High quality presentation of the activities
* Teams, drivers, and partners are visible to a wide audience
* Easier management of the racing activities, and out-of-the box data for the own web site.
* Sharing ressources
* Advantages from FILSCA partners

Add additional depth, value and services to your leagues, your drivers, your teams, and your affiliates by becoming a FILSCA member. Becoming a member is easy, and free.

How to apply for membership

To apply, please send a mail with at least the following information:

* the name of the league
* URL of the league
* your name and your position in the league

A short introduction to your league (or a link to its history) would be appreciated.
Requirements for members

* Approval of the FILSCA statutes, and charter*
* Appliance of the FILSCA Minimal Driving Behavior code*
* The league runs online championships in simulations approved by FILSCA. (It may organize events for non-approved simulations as well.)
* The championships are managed in the FMI, and results and other data are uploaded to the database shortly after the races (results are uploaded via an automated process).
* The league publishes regular news, race reports, and other general information about its championships, and affiliates at the FILSCA websites.
* At least one member of the league takes on tasks, or contributes in a project to the advantage of all member, or is member of the FILSCA staff (esp. managerial posts, marketing).

inscrição como piloto:

Acho que para já chega isto... :rolleyes:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant....Sleepy
só para repuxar esta thread para a actualidade... restart!

ps: a ideia inicial para esta thread por parte da Admin do SRP era introduzir este tema e promover um debate que caucionasse uma eventual adesão do SRP como um todo à FILSCA, isto é, a SRP (se os membros assim o entendessem) ter uma participação como um todo (clube?) na FILSCA (aceitando as suas normas claro) e podendo depois hospedar (como eles referem no site) eventos ou ligas que estivessem de acordo com isso (enviando os dados respectivos de cada prova) e outros fora da alçada deles (ou por ter regras mais soltas ou por ser com Sim's não aprovados).
Será agora o tempo para discutir esta cena? :idea:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant....Sleepy

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